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Four Letters

Love. That little four letter word. Something so small is one of the strongest words a person can ever utter; one of the most intense sensations a person will experience, and create the most life changing lessons you'll ever survive. So how can four little letters manage to hold so much weight? In all honesty Love can make you do some stupid ass shit. Behind every bitter, battered or broken woman is more then likely the heartbreaking lesson she learned from a stupid asshole she once loved. I have served as witness to some of my sisters, best friends, & even myself make the worst fucking decisions all in the name of love. Which brings me to the question of WHY?? Why do we manage to forgo our better judgment for the sake of love? I think the reason for this is because of the hype. We as women have been trained that to become truly happy you must find love. Almost every movie, novel, and song on the radio revolves around Love. It's like we are being brainwashed almost hypnotized with it. We get so engulfed in the hype that we begin to crave it almost obsessing over finding our "one true love". And may I just say that that's a lot of fucking pressure. You want me to go to school, work, conquer the world, be a super woman and find my soul mate? I mean really? All 7 billion plus people on this earth and I've only been given one?? It’s supposedly only ONE person that will love me regardless, ONE person that will love me flaws and all. That's some bullshit right there. I mean come on! I'm a hopeless romantic and all, but I'm still a realist. These four letters seem to control the mind, feed the soul, and bring joy to the heart. It's pretty amazing given it is such a small word. Love is supposed to heal all, conquer all and be the one shining truth in the world filled with darkness. To know love is to know peace. However love seems to be used as a selfish scapegoat for people just so they can get what they want. "If you love me you would..." "I love you so you should" It has become so trivially that love is becoming nothing more then just four letters to people. The word in general has been so over used and watered down that it is unauthentic. As everyone knows unless you've been living under a rock Valentine's Day is today. All of social media is aglow with thoughts of the holiday. It's people giddily waiting to post pictures of presents or anxiously waiting for it to pass. While it's easy to understand why people "in love" are awaiting the day, what about the singles? Single people seem to focus more on this day then anyone else and mostly the attention is driven by hate. I mean it is like the universe giving you a cosmic bitch slap. Like "guess who is lonely...YOU ARE!" So it's pretty understandable on why most people hate the holiday. Me personally I can't wait for Valentine's Day and not just because I have someone I love to celebrate with. This glorious day is also.... *drumroll please*...MY BIRTHDAY! I am ecstatic about my birthday and not just for the chocolate and flowers, but I am so anxious to see what this year brings. Thanks to one of my best friends I've been inspired to film my life for a full year. Starting on Valentines Day I will be shameless. The reason I want to do this is because I'm about to start a few new projects that I believe will change my life. I want to see how much I grow throughout the year and I want people to know me. The real me. The flawed me. The fucked up me. The stressed me. The best me. I'm exposing it all, shamelessly. No secrets, no half-truths. Yall get full disclosure. And I must say that I'm pretty terrified about this. I think it'll be a good way for me to open up because I'm like SUPER shy. I sincerely hope that you ladies will follow me through this journey and that you have Happy Valentines Day!!


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