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Risky Business

Life is all about choices. We wake up everyday with the choice of what we will do, where we will go, and the type of people we will be. The decisions that we make will impact our lives in the present and the future. Which can be pretty terrifying when you think about it. If even the smallest choice can change the entire course of your life it may have you second-guessing a few of them. Even the simple questions may start to give you pause. Should I go to the gym or just eat ice cream? Do I study or go to the club? While the answers to those questions seem pretty obvious, the choices results may not be what you accepted. You know that going to the gym is better than sitting at home eating ice cream while binge watching Netflix. Just like studying would be the better idea for your grades and wallet then getting drunk and twerking at the club. That's when people encourage you to choose the "better" options, take the ‘safe route". Deciding to veg out on the couch could keep you from twisting an ankle on the treadmill at the gym. Going to the club may result in meeting your knight in shinning armor or at least one for the night. So what’s my point? Even if we try to go with the "right choice" it doesn't guarantee the best results. Everything comes with options, but in the end it's all left up to chance. So if that's the case then how are we supposed to know which road to take? For instance if going to school, getting good grades and graduating is the "safe route" then why are there so many people with degrees without jobs. The truth that your parents and teachers don't want you to know is there are no ‘safe choices’ everything is risky business. The biggest risk people like to say is going after your dreams, but that never made sense to me. How is it a risk to go after something that you have a passion about, something that you believe in? I do agree that everything comes with a risk & some have more risk than others, but does that mean not to try at all? Imagine a world where there were no dreamers, a place where everyone just listened to others and took the ‘safe route’. Would Beyoncé be Queen Bey if she had given up the first time Destiny’s Child was rejected? If Steve Jobs had called it quits I wouldn’t be typing on my MacBook Pro with my iPod playing in the background and texting on my iPhone. Everybody has the chance to follow dreams, but not everyone has the balls to do it. This week I decided to follow my own advice and do something that I always dreamed of doing. I stepped in front of the camera and let myself be a model and nothing more. Thanks to Liah Thompson, owner and creator of Snap Talk Photos, I was a model. This lovely lady not only stood behind the camera for me, but she coached me by teaching me poses and made me feel confident in my movements. She’s an amazing person in front and behind the camera. See our interview and some of our work below! See you ladies next week, and stay lovely.

Photographer: Snap Talk Photos - Liah Thompson


Model: Susie Sugar

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