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The Bad Bitch vs. The Lady

Why are there no songs on the radio supporting the ladies? I don’t mean just the female gender either. I mean actual ladies. All I ever hear now are songs like “ Shawty I don’t mind if you dance on a pole that don’t make you a hoe” and “I’ll spend a check on that pussy” Seriously? It seems that strippers are trending this season and everyone else are out of style. The desires for females to be a Bad Bitch have escalated to new levels. Ass shots are practically becoming a rite of passage in this generation. It seems that more and more females are happy to be titled a ‘Bad Bitch’ than actually being called a Lady. Yall will happily stroll down the street slinging 30-inch bundles, with a designer bag on your arm, and some ass shots with nothing more to offer than your physical. You are literally turning yourself into a Barbie. Hollow heads topped off with long luxurious hair, painted on MAC makeup faces with fake lashes, squeezed into a waist trainer with plastic filling your chest and ass. Really? You put all that effort in your physical, but won’t take the time to read a book or invest in your education. A Brazilian Butt Lift cost between $3000-$5000, that’s at least a year at a community college including the cost of books. You could add more to your value telling people you have degree or that you’re on your way to one then you would by having a fat ass in a sundress. You’ll get plenty of attention, but that’s all you’ll ever be for anyone. Something people like to see, not necessarily to enjoy, but something nice to look at. You’ll get placed on your pedestal to be admired, desired and maintained. Some may say ‘Well what’s wrong with that Susie?’ Well I’ll tell you. After someone has beat the competition won the trophy and all the pictures have been taken for everyone to see it begins to loose value. Once the value goes down and the cost of maintaining the trophy is more then what it’s worth or they win another competition for a new trophy you will be replaced. In reality with all the surgeries and procedures we have now anybody, male or female, can be turned into a bad bitch. However not every female can be a lady. In my eyes when it comes to explaining the difference between a Bad Bitch and a Lady it would be like comparing the Princess to the Queen. The Princess or the Bad Bitch gets to live the luxury lifestyle, but she won’t have any power or control of her future. She can go from the ball to sitting in her ivory tower until a man comes along and saves her. He will marry her and she will be able to maintain the quality of life she has adapted to living. Now a Queen or a Lady will be living the luxury life as well, but she will actually have control and power. She will have her own crown and her name will actually hold weight. She will be respected and educated enough to make decisions in the absence of the King. The Princess is waiting to be saved and the Queen is sitting on the throne making boss moves. There is no guarantee that every Princess will wear the crown of a Queen. She may get trained and be in line to the throne, but she may never make it there. Simply put every Bad Bitch won’t make it beyond her ivory towers and will remain waiting for her Prince to come whisk her away into the sunset. Even if a Prince came to save her she would forever be indebted to him and be his prisoner until kingdom come. It’s unfortunate, but many women seem comfortable being the trophy and the Princess. There is nothing necessarily wrong with these roles because there are some guys that like their girls to obey their commands so he can feel like a man. However those are bitch ass niggas that we don’t fuck with so they don’t matter. So my dear I would like you to remember that you’re worth more then just your physical because in case you didn’t know every bitch has a pussy. She can buy the rest that she needs to be on the same level as you when it comes to ass and titties, but not every bitch has a brain. All you’ll ever be to a man is a hole he can fill if you don’t have some knowledge, goals, and ambition. ‘Well Susie how do you know if a guy sees you as a Bad Bitch or a Lady?’ I am glad you asked. One of the best ways to know how a guy sees you is how a guy communicates with you. If he only compliments your physical, if he only texts you during booty call hours, if the most romantic date you’ve mustered from this nigga is to Waffle House…honey I have some news for you and it’s not good. I suggest you take a look in the mirror and really examine what you see. If you want to be more then a Bad Bitch come up with a plan and actually work towards it. I have known plenty of females to sit and tell me all about their goals, but have yet to see one of them actually start working on it. Hustle and handle business. You can do that and still look good. All a Lady is is a Bad Bitch with class and a brain. She can handle business and still be respected all while looking good. I don’t want you to get it twisted thinking that to be a lady you have to be a bum because you don’t. I am defiantly slinging 28-inch tracks and I happily rock fake lashes like I grew both myself. I don’t see a problem in putting forth effort in your appearance, but don’t make that the only thing that you have to offer. Let’s take some pride in our worth ladies. Respect yourself enough to be more then a Bad Bitch. Don’t take half naked pictures for Instagram likes. ‘But Susie didn’t you just do a half naked photoshoot?’ I know, I know and yes I did a lingerie phototoshoot, but there is a difference between a professional lingerie photoshoot and an impromptu shoot in a dirty mirror on your bathroom counter. It’s not always about what you do, but how you do it. Especially what you do on the Internet because everybody can take a screenshot. So even if you transformed into a lady and delete those pictures they could always come back to haunt you. Don’t let your days of being a Bad Bitch be the reason you don’t get to sit on the throne. As for the ladies already fitted for their crowns keep your head up so it doesn’t slip off. One day we will get songs dedicated to us on the radio. Maybe guys will start coming in libraries making it rain on the girls popping books instead of popping pussy. *Fingers Crossed* The real women who have more to offer then a fat ass and a pretty face will be acknowledged again soon. At least I’m hoping so. Read how some of my favorite ladies explain the difference between a Bad Bitch and a Lady below. Stay Lovely Ladies and see you next week.

What's the difference between a bad bitch and a lady?

Alisha: Bad bitch focuses on looks and material things. Lady does the same just with morals and without bragging

Brittany: A bad bitch is one with a nice body, pretty face with barely any goals or ambition. She is shallow and materialistic.

Chantice: Michelle Obama is lady, and any female affiliated with Love and Hip Hop is a bad bitch. It's like a standard/class type thing too me honestly. And how you carry yourself "lady in the streets, freak in he sheets." Bad bitch could also go as far as a side chick, and a lady could be wifey. It's soo much I could elaborate on girl I could write a whole book. Speaking of book Amber Rose is coming out with a book called "How to be a Bad Bitch" so I guess she considers herself a bad bitch haha.

Diamond: A bad bitch is someone who capitalizes off of the approval and appraisal of others. A lady capitalizes off of self-respect and confidence.

Jakera: When I think of a bad bitch, I think of someone who runs the show. She gets shit done. She’s cut throat to make shit happens, she plays with the biggest baddest boys....and wins. A lady is just the way a bad bitch carries herself

Jaquel: A bad bitch is about self. A lady is able to care about others & love herself as well. A bad bitch cares about how she's being perceived by others & a lady doesn't. She exemplifies what a woman should be without trying.

Nefertiti: Class.

Octavia: To begin there is no comparison ... One is man made and the other is heaven sent. A bad bitch has yet to mentally and spiritually develop therefore lacking the self worth that a lady possesses. The discussion I'm sure could and will get broader but I'll leave it at that.

Tiara: A lady is someone who knows how to be seen but not heard a bad bitch is heard before she is seen. But a lady can have her bitch ways when messed with the wrong way in my opinion. I don't think any women should feel honored or special being referred to as a bad bitch. But somehow in music it works

Y'Mani: Bad bitch - ghetto ass hoe. Like I just think of ratchets when I hear that word. A lady I think of a woman with morals.

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